get real… ABOUT YOUR TIME.
DIGITAL download includes:
Your top three and stretch goals
note / doodle area
Apparently that Elon guy time blocks…
We don't have to like him,
but we can admit he gets shit done.
“… the first planner in a VERY long line of planners that actually helps me focus and get sh*t done. I love the layout and flexibility it offers based on what my day looks like. 10/10 would recommended to everyone, especially those with ADHD type brains.”
no more ‘wow that day flew by’…
Get realistic with your time.
Top Three:
The human brain has a hard time prioritizing more than three things - what are your most important goals for today?
Stretch Goals:
If you wrap up those three and want to keep going, what are your next priorities?
Split into half hour increments from 6am to 8pm so you can get realistic with how much time you ACTUALLY have available in a day
Grid Area:
Jot other to-dos that come to mind, call notes, quick sketches
$8 between you and organization.
I hate to be cliche but that literally is the cost of a venti latte (+ almond milk) these days 😂