bite-sized business and marketing for the perpetually interupted.

Forget carving out the time to sit down without sticky hands climbing on you or cries for snacks. Listen to the audio lesson during carpool, prepping lunches, rage-cleaning the floors… then hop on the Dashboard for key takeaways + your action steps.

Want to try it out? Hear a peek here.


Turn your scattered hustle into a strategic success story that fits between soccer practice and your third reheated latte.


I've got a decent following on social media, and I've cobbled together a mailing list of about 500 people… But I've never sent an email because what do I even say? 'Hey, buy my stuff?'

I know email marketing could be huge for my business, but the thought of figuring out another platform makes me want to curl up in a ball and watch Netflix instead.

I don't need another course that'll sit in my digital graveyard of good intentions, I need like five steps I can tackle between my son's soccer practice and my daughter's dance recital.

I know I should be doing more with marketing, but every time I open Instagram, I feel like I'm drowning in a sea of perfect mom-preneurs with their color-coded planners and matching outfits.



What you get:


four core audio episodes you can habit stack with school drop-off, prepping lunches, or on your hot mom walks


a Notion dashboard with action steps for when you can get to work


demystify sign-up forms, welcome sequences and lead magnets


bonus episodes on branding + business

No one wants to
‘sign up for updates’.

Meaghan 👋

I'm a neurospicy mom of two boys, owner of a forever-fixer-upper, chronic oversharer, and creative polymath.

I've worked in design and marketing for the better half of a decade, helping founders become standouts in their industry. I've had clients featured on Jillian Harris, Motherly, Today’s Parent, Chatelaine, Avenue Calgary, Apartment Therapy and stocked in stores like Indigo and

brands i've worked with

A 4-part audio series all about email marketing.

lifetime access: $128 $99